Our Team

Administration | Our Team

Mr Babayo Usman

Founding Proprietor

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Fusce vel venenatis felis. Fusce id lectus sit amet nisi ornare ultricies. In sagittis lacinia lorem et tristique. Quisque mauris neque, sollicitudin sit amet imperdiet in, scelerisque sit amet arcu. In vehicula sem eget nisi convallis, a mattis orci imperdiet. Curabitur vitae sapien vel lectus sagittis consequat. Nullam enim velit, dignissim vel viverra ac, eleifend ut tellus.

Mrs Sarah Joe

Mrs Sarah Joe

Executive Director

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Mrs Sarah Joe

Mrs Sarah Joe

Executive Director

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Mrs Sarah Joe

Mrs Sarah Joe

Executive Director

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Mrs Sarah Joe

Mrs Sarah Joe

Executive Director

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Mrs Sarah Joe

Mrs Sarah Joe

Executive Director

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Mrs Sarah Joe

Mrs Sarah Joe

Executive Director

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Ready to chase your child's dream?

Third Term Holiday Project 2022/2023 Academic Session

Dear parents and guardians, the Third-term holiday projects for the 2022/2023 academic session are ready. You can access it directly from the menu or click the button below to go to the Assignments page.